Crypto Launchpad Development: Steps to Take Before Building a Launchpad

Funding projects are difficult for entrepreneurs and businesses. Creating a crypto launch pad is the first step to raising funds. The next generation of ICO launch platforms is called white-label, and they provide services that cater to people who wish to run a project on a particular platform. The demand for ICO launch platforms is growing due to the popularity of cryptocurrencies and tokens. At present, there are numerous disadvantages to traditional crypto launches. However, this has now changed due to the creation of crypto launch pads which are white labels. This article covers features of crypto launchpads and some fundraising models for them.

What is a crypto launchpad?

A crypto launchpad is like a service that lets cryptocurrency investors participate in pre-ICO and ICOs in a safe environment. It consists of two parts:
  • The KYC process ensures that the investor has been verified and is allowed to invest in ICOs.
  • A smart contract provides that the investor can’t withdraw his funds until the end of an ICO.
Token Pre-sales of an early-stage token provide investors estimated trading price before the public market launches. Since they generate new coins, projects, and liquidity, these crypto pads are called IDO platforms. Businesses that are involved in crypto might find this model ideal for fundraising. However, because of their low cost, crypto projects continuously use launch pads to raise funds. As a result, Launchpad development services can reach a large audience of crypto evangelists.

How Well Does a Crypto Launchpad Work?

Defining a “successful ICO” is essential to determine a crypto launchpad’s proficiency. There are two following ways to express a successful ICO: 
  • Successful ICOs reach their hard cap or raise the required capital.
  • It is a “mega-success” when an ICO hits its hard cap.
The hard cap’s role is to ensure that the project has enough capital to execute its plan. Additionally, this indicates that the project has a higher chance of success because enough investors are taking an interest. Conversely, a lack of interest or poor product development and marketing can prevent the project from hitting the hard cap. In addition, launchpads provide security for investors and projects and expand liquidity pools by attracting investors. Now that you know about the crypto launch pad Let’s look at some popular fundraising models for crypto projects before you build a launchpad:

1. Traditional model:

The traditional fundraising model works by selling tokens or coins directly to investors in exchange for fiat currency. It is, however, straightforward to implement and understand.

2. Initial coin offerings:

ICOs, also known as IPOs (Initial public offerings), are crowdfunding platforms. Blockchain-based projects raise capital through IPOs by selling their crypto-tokens to investors. After the company releases these crypto-tokens, investors can trade them on crypto exchanges. As a reward, investors get discounts on services or even dividends depending on how much they invested. crypto launchpad

3. Initial DEX Offerings:

Companies use IDX for token issuance to raise capital. An IDX is a digital security that represents a share in a company, but they do not confer voting rights. The purpose of an IDX is to enable companies to raise money from investors and for investors to buy into these companies. The idea behind IDX is to allow firms to issue tokens similar to shares but still comply with security regulations. Types of IDX

4. Initial Exchange Offerings:

The exchange offering model is one of the most popular ICO models because it’s relatively simple and offers startups several benefits:
  1. IEO Allows startups to gain more visibility.
  2. Exchanges often prioritize their listings and those of their partners.
  3. IEO can help startups generate revenue from listing fees
Exchanges charge these fees to cover all costs of running an ICO, including legal expenses and marketing campaigns.

5. Initial Farming Offerings:

The Initial Farming Offering model is the latest way to raise money on decentralized platforms due to following reasons:
  1. Users of the DEX platform can earn stable returns on their investments.
  2. IFO will allow investors to diversify their portfolios in multiple projects.
  3. The model allows for continuous growth and expansion of the project as more capital comes into play.
The IFO is a decentralized platform that generates funds for the project with farming events. In addition, IFO enables investors to invest in pre-sale events. The DEX platforms will host IFOs for the most promising and high-potential projects, benefiting investors and users by incentivizing liquidity pools. In addition, this model uses an incentive mechanism. The mechanism encourages participants to contribute funds into a shared liquidity pool as an entry requirement in Exchange Functions on the IFO platform.

6. Initial Liquidity Offerings:

Initial liquidity offering is a new form of initial coin offering that allows investors to sell their tokens. These ILO platforms will have an in-built AMM. The liquidity pools contribute to AMM’s matching of order requests.  The purpose of creating an ILOs is to increase the liquidity of cryptocurrency assets through an ecosystem that facilitates accessible communication between buyers and sellers. Blockchain technology powers this digital ecosystem that allows users to trade cryptocurrencies freely. By the way, if you want to take your business to the next level, consider consulting with a blockchain development company that can help you leverage the power of this technology. crypto launchpad

7. Initial Insurance Offerings:

IIO is a fundraising method that allows investors to purchase insurance policies offered by the company. Initial Insurance Offering is an excellent way for startups to raise money because:
  1. It’s a great way to earn ongoing revenue from customers.
  2. Raised money can cover any loss.
  3. It doesn’t require an upfront investment.
 IIOs have emerged as an alternative form of financing for companies that want to offer products or services but don’t have enough funds or resources. In addition, IIO’s are helpful for those who crowdfund their ideas by selling company shares at a discount before they go public on a stock exchange.  Through this approach, companies can fund their projects and procure insurance to protect them from market fluctuations. In addition, this model enhances community-based operations.

8. Initial NFT Offerings:

Creators develop their NFTs through INO, which provides funding for ownership rights. There are reasons why people prefer investing in the NFT launchpad:
  1. NFTs are highly liquid.
  2. Owners can sell NFTs at any time without any hassle of paperwork.
  3. NFTs have lesser risk compared to other investment types like real estate.

9. Initial Game Offering:

NFT gaming is the latest trend in the crypto hub. In addition, investors can buy virtual assets related to such games through a gaming launchpad. These gaming launchpads allow investors to access special features within the game. NFT

What are the key features of a successful crypto launchpad?

A crypto launchpad must have certain features to ensure that it works smoothly. Here are the four keys:

1. KYC

Once you have attracted users to your platform, please encourage them to verify their identities.

2. Compatibility

The crypto launchpad solution comes with excellent compatibility so that you can choose the blockchain network of your choice.

3. Multi-fundraising

Crypto launchpads should support multiple fundraising models so investors can generate revenue without much effort.

4. Digital wallet

You must integrate a built-in digital wallet into your system to help companies store their cryptocurrencies.

5. Liquidity pools

With this feature, the company encourages users to deposit their tokens when they join the platform, creating a ready supply of liquidity for other users’ trades.

6. Staking

There might be multiple funding rounds in crowdfunding. The purpose of various rounds is to sell all the tokens.

7. High token investment

The platform should enable users to invest their tokens in the decentralized network making purchases or storing value for high returns.

End Note:

After exploring the various fundraising models of crypto launch pads and their functionalities, we can conclude that they’re a new way for entrepreneurs to fund their projects, especially those related to blockchain technology. If you’re launching an enterprise in the crypto space, you should consider using one of the above fundraising models. Of course, enterprises want to make sure that their crypto launchpad is secure. Here are two examples of the best crypto launchpads. You can also use these ideas to inspire your development team when creating a new product in this niche. Trust swap and securepad. You can do this by using the best security plugins and hiring a professional developer to build it for you. BloxBytes could help you develop your new crypto launch pad project from start to finish. We ensure security and privacy standards during the development process. Get in Touch with BloxBytes.
  • Blockchain
  • crypto launchpad
  • launchpad